On today's episode of 4mics 13teeth 1anklemonitor Gary and Amanda talk about Celebrate Recovery and how it has helped them in their recovery. We talk about how if this ministry does not help you and you feel you are not growing in your recovery then we will help you find a program that will help you. In recovery there is no one program that helps everyone. At Celebrate Recovery we believe that a strong relationship with Jesus along with support from others in the group and tools to help you, you can be succesful in your recovery. We also know of NA, AA and others that use the word Higher Power. We know of others that put you through physical activities along with classroom. We know of some that put you in a gym and the list goes on. We also know that some can just quit on their own while others take multiple times at a long-term rehab. Yes, there are a lot of ways to get into recovery and we support every one of them because we believe that you can truly start living only in recovery. Gary and Amanda will be talking about what they know and that is Celebrate Recovery.